Full Moon in Gemini, December 7, 2022
The full Moon in Gemini is the last full Moon of 2022 and, fortunately, the least emotional. It’s an opportunity to open your mind and self to new vibrations that promise to usher in change over the next year. It’s also a time to reflect on the past year.
This full Moon is a time to communicate with both yourself and others. Start by looking at how you can reconcile two differing viewpoints you may hold about the same thing. Become aware of any conflicting thoughts or emotions within you. When we are unclear about what we desire or how we want to feel, it can be challenging to manifest our visions. If you feel that you are torn between energies, this full Moon can help you choose a path and follow it with confidence into the new year.
Make sure you ground your energy on this full Moon so that you feel stable in your vibration to receive information. Allow your consciousness to widen as you interact with the world around you and exchange energy with different people. Let yourself be confused, and let yourself wonder about what lessons you have yet to learn. You may never hold all the keys to the Universe, but luckily there are people willing to share their knowledge and help you expand. Be grateful and be open to every energy you come in contact with this full Moon and let it help you evolve.
Use these powerful affirmations to align with the energy of the Gemini Full Moon.
- I share my thoughts and ideas with others
- Brilliant new ideas flow to me with ease
- I make good decisions based on personal knowledge and wisdom
- My mind is sharp and I can see situations from many angles
- I listen to others and treat them with respect
- Creative solutions flow to me with ease
- I can sense when it’s the right time to take action
- I retire old habits and routines that are no longer a good fit for me